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Food broker jobs are generally based in offices. Many food brokers work from home, depending on how large their brokerage firm is and how many employees they have.

Food brokers are required to travel on occasion – usually to meet with producers, manufacturers and retailers. However travel very rarely takes them too far from home. Most food brokers work in a small geographic area, particularly in large cities. Therefore travel is usually restricted to the local area.

To be successful in a food broker job you must enjoy meeting with people and be very personable. To ensure you have repeat customers you need to be able to build up a rapport with them and make them feel at ease.

Working hours can be very long in food broker jobs. Because food brokers work on a commission basis, typically the more hours you put in the better your sales volume. Food broker jobs are not for those who want a typical 9 to 5 job!

Food Broker Job Work Conditions

Like with most jobs, you will first need an impressive resume before applying for any food broker jobs. Highlight any experience, big or small, that represents your interest and experience in sales.

If you have just come out of college and haven’t had any direct work experience, then try and think of an experience you have had that is evidence of your potential to succeed. Maybe you ran a fundraising raffle and had a very successful sales and marketing plan to reach your goals. The more evidence of your potential the better.

As we mentioned before, approaching food brokerages directly can be a great way to land yourself a food broker job. Even if they don’t have any work for you they may be able to give you invaluable advice and guidance as well as keep you in mind for future vacancies that arise.

If you are struggling to find a food broker job then try getting a general sales job, as the experience will both be beneficial to you and show your talent and interest to a future employer.

How to Apply for Food Broker Jobs

The best places to find food broker jobs are similar to those for other jobs. Local newspapers, the internet and word of mouth are your best options.

However, not all food brokerages will list their food broker job vacancies, so using a bit of initiative may get you a long way. Find a list of food brokers in your area and contact them enquiring about work and stating your interest. Most food brokers are willing to take on any new employee that they believe will help them to increase their sales volume.

Where to Find Food Broker Jobs

There are no standard educational requirements to be a food broker; however it can be a very challenging job that requires a solid educational background. At minimum potential food brokers should have a high school education, but most successful food brokers have attended college.

Sales experience is a key to being successful as a food broker. A large part of the food broker job role is being able to sell your clients products.

Education Requirements to be a Food Broker

Many people underestimate the importance of food brokers in today’s society. Every person needs food every day, so the food broker industry is big business! In today’s guide we shall look in more detail at food broker jobs.

Food Broker Jobs